Moving Minds Hypnotherapy Gold Coast

Hypnotherapy for Anger Management | Moving Minds Gold Coast

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Hypnotherapy for Anger Management

Anger is a normal response to frustration. When we are trying hard to get something done, and can’t, it is natural to feel at least a degree of irritation. Anger can also be a healthy response to threat, even if we decide that, in a particular situation, flight is better than fight. But while anger is normal, how we respond to it can be a problem.

Most of us begin learning to deal with anger early in life. Our parents, and our experiences, teach us that most things are not worth getting into a hassle over, and that cooling down works better than picking a fight.

For some people, however, anger is a constant issue. They don’t control their anger; the anger controls them. It drives friends and family away. It gets them in trouble at work. It impairs their physical health. Sometimes it lands them in jail.

It isn’t unusual for people with chronic anger problems to wind up—either by court order or because a loved one told them to get help or else—in what is known as anger management counseling. This is usually group or individual counseling—talk therapy. It offers strategies for dealing with anger, ways of avoiding situations that trigger anger, and ways to talk yourself out of being angry.

And, sadly, it doesn’t work all that well. It usually doesn’t deal directly with angry feelings, and doesn’t touch on the emotional roots of the anger.

Hypnotherapy offers a much more effective approach. Anger is a multi-layered problem, and hypnosis offers a multilayered solution.

For example, people with anger problems tend to be tense and aggravated much of the time, not just when they are actively upset about a particular situation. With hypnosis, they can learn to develop a relaxation response that will be there day in and day out.

Hypnosis can also help develop an immediate response to angry feelings the moment they start to arise—for instance, going into a light, calm altered state, using a simple physical trigger like pressing your thumb and forefinger together.

Anger is often tied to poor self-image, which makes you vulnerable to feeling put down, which of course makes you angry. Hypnotherapy is an effective tool for dealing with self-image and self-esteem problems.

Anger is also a frequent defense against depression, because being angry feels better than being sad. Hypnotherapy is a well-accepted tool for dealing with depression.

So, if you’re looking for anger management in the Gold Coast, give your clinical hypnotist Greg Thompson a call.